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Stories of Hope -

The power to change. To overcome problems. To find a better way. To live a happier life. Recovery and resiliency are a series of small steps. Each one is part of a journey, and each one should be appreciated.

Celebrate the hopeful steps fellow San Diego County mental health consumers have made as they share their stories here. There is hope for them, and there is help for all of us. Share your story

Contact the Access and Crisis Line at (888) 724-7240 for help or advice on assisting a friend or family member.

Stories of Hope from San Diego County Consumers and Families:

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4:00pm - 10:00pm


Contact Us

  • Access & Crisis Line

    (888) 724-7240
    TDD/TTY Dial 711
    7 days a week/24 hrs a day

  • Provider Line

    (800) 798-2254

  • Support Desk

    (800) 834-3792

  • TERM Line

    (877) 824-8376